
This paper examines a hybrid pattern i.e. Local derivative Vector pattern and comparasion of this pattern over other different patterns for content-based medical image retrieval. In recent years Pattern-based texture analysis has significant popularity for a variety of tasks like image recognition, image and texture classification, and object detection, etc. In literature, different patterns exist for texture analysis. This paper aims at forming a hybrid pattern compared in terms of precision, recall and F1-score with different patterns like Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Derivative Pattern (LDP), Completed Local Binary Pattern (CLBP), Local Tetra Pattern (LTrP), Local Vector Pattern (LVP) and Local Anisotropic Pattern (LAP) which were applied on medical images for image retrieval. The proposed method is evaluated on different modalities of medical images. The results of the proposed hybrid pattern show biased performance compared to the state-of-the-art. So this can further extended with other pattern to form a hybrid pattern.

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