
Notations. The interior, boundary and closure of a set S in Euclidean r-space Er are denoted by int S, bd S and cl S respectively. If xES, yES, then xy denotes the closed line segment joining x and y. The symbols UJ, n and -- denote set union, set intersection and set difference respectively. The symbol 0 is used to denote the empty set. The convex hull of a set SCEr is indicated by conv S. DEFINITION 1. A set S is called an Ln set if each pair of points in S can be joined by a polygonal arc of S containing at most n segments. DEFINITION 2. A point xES is a point of local convexity of S if there exists a neighborhood N of x such that NnS is convex; otherwise, x is called a point of local nonconvexity of S. DEFINITION 3. A set S is starshaped relative to a point p if for

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