
Geometric image re-ranking is a widely adopted phrase to refine the large-scale image retrieval systems built based upon popular paradigms such as Bag-of-Words (BoW) model. Its main idea can be treated as a sort of geometric verification targeting at reordering the initial returning list by previous similarity ranking metrics, e.g. Cosine distance over the BoW vectors between query image and reference ones. In the literature, to guarantee the re-ranking accuracy, most existing schemes requires the initial retrieval to be conducted by using a large vocabulary (codebook), corresponding to a high-dimensional BoW vector. However, in many emerging applications such as mobile visual search and massive-scale retrieval, the retrieval has to be conducted by using a compact BoW vector to accomplish the memory or time requirement. In these scenarios, the traditional re-ranking paradigms are questionable and new algorithms are urgently demanded. In this paper, we propose an accurate yet efficient image re-ranking algorithm specific for small vocabulary in aforementioned scenarios. Our idea is inspired by Hough Voting in the transformation space, where votes come from local feature matches. Most notably, this geometry re-ranking can easily been aggregated to the cutting-edge image based retrieval systems yielding superior performance with a small vocabulary and being able to store in mobile end facilitating mobile visual search systems. We further prove that its time complexity is linear in terms of the re-ranking instance, which is a significant advantage over the existing scheme. In terms of mean Average Precision, we show that its performance is comparable or in some cases better than the state-of-the-art re-ranking schemes.

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