
“Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” is important spring with socio cultural value. However, the increasing activity might cause ecological changes which may affect the sustainability. This research aimed to study the condition of “Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” based on local society’s perspective to analyze the correlation of the condition toward the management policies, and to formulate the management strategy for sustainable management of the spring. The research was conducted from April to May 2018, through field observation. The research instrument used was questionnaire with three level of likert scale measurement. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive and statistical analysis with correlation and crosstabulation. The result showed that most of the respondents agreed that the spring has changed in the last 5 years. The local factor related to the change of the spring is the development of facilities. However, the change of the spring was not followed by the change of ecological condition, such as reduced debit, decreased water quality and decreased forest coverage. The current management of “Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” was limitation of exploitation. However, currently there is no replantation effort or development of preservation area even though some respondents suggested that some plants species is no loger found in the spring ecosystem. Suggested management plan included plantation of the spring surrounding to increase plants density and diversity.

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