
Quantum state discrimination involves identifying a given state out of a set of possible states. When the states are mutually orthogonal, perfect state discrimination is alway possible using a global measurement. In the case of multipartite systems when the parties are constrained to use multiple rounds of local operations and classical communications (LOCC), perfect state discrimination is often impossible even with the use of \emph{asymptotic LOCC}, wherein an error is allowed but must vanish in the limit of an infinite number of rounds. Utilizing our recent results on asymptotic LOCC, we derive a lower bound on the error probability for LOCC discrimination of any given set of mutually orthogonal pure states. We use this lower bound to prove necessary conditions for perfect state discrimination by asymptotic LOCC. We then illustrate by example the power of these necessary conditions in significantly simplifying the determination of whether perfect discrimination of a given set of states can be accomplished arbitrarily closely using LOCC. The latter examples include a proof that perfect discrimination by asymptotic LOCC is impossible for any \emph{minimal} unextendible product basis (UPB), where minimal means that for the given multipartite system, no UPB with a smaller number of states can exist. We also give a simple proof that what has been called \emph{strong nonlocality without entanglement} is considerably stronger than had previously been demonstrated.

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