
Changes in aerosol composition associated with a cold front passage were examined during a field experiment in Tel Aviv, Israel (2–15 Dec, 2000). In addition to monitoring aerosol scattering and optical thickness, aerosol samples were collected for detailed chemical analyses. Data were compared to simultaneous measurements made at Sde Boker, a semi-remote site in the Negev Desert, to help determine what changes were due to local pollution as opposed to regional phenomena. During the pre-frontal period (2–7 Dec) both sites were influenced by air masses containing a relatively high content of sulphate and dust, originating from neighbouring regions of the Middle East. A steady build-up of local pollution was then observed in Tel Aviv due to vehicular emissions/industrial activities, as indicated by increasing concentrations of black carbon, organic carbon, V, Cu, Ni, Zn, Br, Pb, NO3− and PAHs. Identification of a number of organic biomass burning tracers (e.g., levoglucosan) indicates that smoke also contributed to the pollution build-up in Tel Aviv, while a range of sugars/sugar alcohols point to a microbial/bioaerosol component. Locally emitted pollutants tended to exhibit higher nighttime concentrations due to trapping of pollution under a nocturnal inversion. Fine aerosol iodine was the only element exhibiting higher daytime concentrations, hinting at a photochemical source. Post-frontal measurements (12–15 Dec) revealed a significant decrease in all pollutants due to dispersal of the haze by the cold front (8–9 Dec), with the air initially being dominated by marine aerosol. Concentrations of pollutants then began to increase, with backward trajectories indicating a possible contribution from Eastern Europe. Overall, the study identified a range of useful tracers for monitoring the contribution of different sources to the aerosol over Israel.

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