
Special and general theories of relativity consist in describing both local and global phenomena - the first in flat, and the second in curved spacetime. In the paper it is shown that each of these two classes of relativistic effects, local and global, is universal and is the subject of a separate theory. First, descriptions in local frames of reference, related by the local Lorentz transformations, form the local theory of relativity, or local relativity (LR). The locality principle allows to apply LR to non-inertial local frames, and the equivalence principle to the local frames in gravitational field. Secondly, descriptions in global frames of reference, constructed from local frames coexisting on a common hypersurface of simultaneity, form the global theory of relativity, or global relativity (GlR). LR and GlR are based on physical coordinates and complement each other, the special and general theories of relativity were hybrids of these two theories. LR and GlR describe the local and global properties of gravity, separating the field effects from the effects of motion by different methods, such as bimetric formalism, where one metric describes geometry of the global frames, and other describes spacetime geometry. It is shown that GlR leads to a picture of collapse with formation of frozars, and also leads to a cutoff of the loop integrals of quantum fields at the Planck length. In GlR, cosmological models are built on hypersurfaces of simultaneity, where both stretching and the Doppler effect contribute to redshifts, and aberration is also taken into account. Predicted an initial violetshift removing the double redshift paradox, and this leads to the slowing time cosmology consistent with observational data.

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