
Parts of Speech (pos) tagging corresponds to techniques of tagging accurate pos tags of each word of a sentence. It is a pivotal and indispensable part of sentiment analysis, synthesizing text to speech, analyzing textual data and many more Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Though there are many researches done in the field of languages like English, Chinese etc., it is still comparatively unexplored for Bangla. An excellent pos tagger in Bangla language can accelerate NLP of Bangla textual data. In this study, we have developed a novel hybrid Deep Learning (DL) model with two parallel input networks with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM), and an output network of CNN. CNN works well regarding the local dependencies of words in sentences, and BiLSTM works well with the global dependencies of words regarding the context in a sentence. No other work has been done with local features of textual data along with long term word dependencies in Bangla pos tagging studies. The model can work with any external Word Embeddings. In this study, it is implemented with both Embedding Layer and Word2Vec layer. In the evaluation process, Mathews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), Precision-Recall curve are used along with accuracy and F1-score due to the dataset's imbalanced characteristic. Our proposed model accompanied by Word2Vec layer has outperformed Vanilla Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), BiLSTM networks, and also one recent study using the same dataset with the highest accuracy of 0.974, F1-score of 0.883, and MCC value of 0.936.

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