
In this paper we study both the Cauchy problem and the initial boundary value problem for the equation $\partial_tu+\mbox{div}\left(\nabla\Delta u-{\bf g}(\nabla u)\right)=0$. This equation has been proposed as a continuum model for kinetic roughening and coarsening in thin films. In the Cauchy problem, we obtain that local existence of a weak solution is guaranteed as long as the vector-valued function ${\bf g}$ is continuous and the initial datum $u_0$ lies in $C^1(\mathbb{R}^N)$ with $\nabla u_0(x)$ being uniformly continuous and bounded on $\mathbb{R}^N$ and that the global existence assertion also holds true if we assume that ${\bf g}$ is locally Lipschitz and satisfies the growth condition $|{\bf g}(\xi) |\leq c|\xi|^\alpha$ for some $c>0, \alpha\in (2, 3)$, $\sup_{\mathbb{R}^N}|\nabla u_0|<\infty$, and the norm of $u_0$ in the space $L^{\frac{(\alpha-1)N}{3-\alpha}}(\mathbb{R}^N) $ is sufficiently small. This is done by exploring various properties of the biharmonic heat kernel. In the initial boundary value problem, we assume that ${\bf g}$ is continuous and satisfies the growth condition $|{\bf g}(\xi) |\leq c|\xi|^\alpha+c$ for some $c, \alpha\in (0,\infty)$. Our investigations reveal that if $\alpha\leq 1$ we have global existence of a weak solution, while if $1<\alpha<\frac{N^2+2N+4}{N^2}$ only a local existence theorem can be established. Our method here is based upon a new interpolation inequality, which may be of interest in its own right.

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