
In the fly, Calliphora erythrocephala, a cluster of three Y-shaped descending neurons (DNOVS 1–3) receives ocellar interneuron and vertical cell (VS4–9) terminals. Synaptic connections to one of them (DNOVS 1) are described. In addition, three types of small lobula plate vertical cell (sVS) and one type of contralateral horizontal neuron (Hc) terminate at DNOVS 1, as do two forms of ascending neurons derived from thoracic ganglia. A contralateral neuron, with terminals in the opposite lobula plate, arises at the DNOVS cluster and is thought to provide heterolateral interaction between the VS4–9 output of one side to the VS4–9 dendrites of the other. DNOVS 2 and 3 extend through pro-, meso-, and metathoracic ganglia, branching ipsilaterally within their tract and into the inner margin of leg motor neuropil of each ganglion. DNOVS 1 terminates as a stubby ending in the dorsal prothoracic ganglion onto the main dendritic trunks of neck muscle motor neurons. Convergence of VS and ocellar interneurons to DNOVS 1 comprises a second pathway from the visual system to the neck motor, the other being carried by motor neurons arising in the brain. Their significance for saccadic head movement and the stabilization of the retinal image is discussed.

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