
The development of spiny lobster (Panulirus sp.) cultivation is of particular concern as market demand continues to increase while capture fisheries production remains static and with little chance of increasing. Indonesia has a unique opportunity to build the largest lobster aquaculture industry in the world, based on the significant natural resources of the puerulus settlement. Cultivation of lobster in the country is one solution to maintain the availability of lobster seeds in the waters. The success of Vietnam's lobster industry has generated enormous interest in Indonesia, where is having so much potential for the lobster farming industry. Lobster cultivation activities consist of catching lobster puelurus, juvenile production, and lobster rearing. Vietnam, which has first started lobster cultivation activities, can certainly be an example for Indonesia in developing lobster in its own country. Several innovations that have been successfully developed in Vietnam, such as the process of catching using trawls or using fluorescent lights or cultivation activities using cages that are submerged with a depth of more than 10 m can certainly be examples for Indonesia to consider.

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