
SUMMARY Leucotomy, the so called surgical therapy of certain forms of mental diseases, is considered by the authors as having successfully passed its experimental stage. Emphasis is given to Egas Moniz, as the respon­sible man for the success of such method, which achieved recognition thanks to his brilliant and penetrating mind, deeply engaged in the study of physiopathology of the frontal lobes since the International Congress of Neurology in London, 1935, until the present Congress, when his scientific achievement wins full recognition. History of the therapy dates back to November 12th., 1935 when Moniz with Almeida Lima and Cid Sobral undertook the treatment of psychotic patients by means of the surgical interruption of the frontal association pathways to the thalamus. After the report of the process through Egas Moniz's monography (June, 1936), Aloysio Mattos Pimenta performed the first operation on August 21st, 1936, at the Juqueri Hospital, S. Paulo, Brasil. Freemann and Watts, in U. S. A., were the first to use Moniz's method, and performed their first operation on September 14th., 19.36, and then the method gained recognition in the world's neuro-psychiatrics centers, its use being quickly widespread. The great progress of the

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