
Human upper extremity has numerous functions in day-to-day life. Strokes lead to weakening in hand muscles because of which the patient is unable to hold an object properly. Stroke related problems are treated by physiotherapy and grip strength recovery is assessed by the devices such as Jamar dynamometer and pinch meter. In this paper, load cell and Force Sensing Resistor sensors are used which mimics the use of Jamar dynamometer and assesses the patient recovery quantitatively. The sensory unit consists of the load cell which is used to sense the data and give it to the Wheatstone bridge. Participant is asked to apply force on the developed hand dynamometer and the values of grip strength forces are recorded in the system. This device transmits the participant data wirelessly using the Bluetooth module. Load cell and Force Sensing Resistors (FSR) sensor data are stored in Rapid Miner and the graphs of grip strength are plotted. Thus, the developed prototype helps to determine the grip strength of a disabled person hand using low-cost devices and possible to compare the present and previous results of the assessment. The field of application of this tool is in physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

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