
Cloud computing uses the internet to supply dynamic services including memory, data, bandwidth and applications. Work schedules have an influence on cloud service reliability and performance. A proper provisioning method is required for a systematic resource allocation, which comprises of large virtual resources. Depending on the present state of the system, load balancing solutions can be distinguished as dynamic or static. Dynamic or static load balancing solutions can be employed to increase server response time or to raise load balancing factors for quicker and more efficient resource utilization. To decrease the load across resources and maximize CPU usage, a hybrid load balancing technique is developed. In the cloud, we have a finite quantity of resources that must be efficiently managed in order to fulfill tasks. Requests are transmitted to a cloud server, which assigns work via quadratic probing. During load balancing, the load is shifted from heavy-weighted servers to lighter-weighted servers, enhancing CPU usage. The suggested methodology's performance was assessed using average mean response time, make-span, average make-span, and average resource utilization. The Load Balancing Algorithm (LBA) is created with the primary purpose of reducing job completion time and increasing the average resource utilization ratio.

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