
This article investigates the quasi-object notion proposed by Michel Serres, by which the collective is instituted around the circulation of a particular object, often unnameable, that implies determined relational modalities. In the political ensemble the quintessence of the quasi-object is the precious corpse, which is intended as the king corpse, the elected or predestined corpse, and it has to be hidden. On behalf of the notion of the quasi-object is possible to describe the Aldo Moro’s kidnapping and murder case either under a anthropological perspective (symbolic exchange and victimary substitution) either about the mutations of the object status. Referring to the object status is advanced an evolutionary hypothesis: the archaic object is closed (the book, the brick, the bread) the modern object is cable (the cinema), the contemporary one is wireless. Moro’s case is located between the cable age and the wireless age. Around this hypothesis are analysed some problems on theory of writing and theory of spectacle.

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