
The objective of this study is to review the state of art and the opportunity on LNG development as marine fuel for Indonesian shipping sector. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) as one of source energy has become one progressing on research and development by several research company, classification society and shipping company. The research that has been done focused on the environmental benefit to the country. This was as a result of increasing quantity of pollutions due to marine fuel used by vessels. The interesting part from the study that LNG will reduce sulphur (SOx) until 90-95 % and reduce the carbon until 25 % which it causes for other alternative energy will develop and progress slowly. The use of natural gas as alternative energy is one of the goals to find the potential solution for ship owner to follow the IMO requirement for the stakeholder to implement the limitation on sulphur content from marine vessel exhaust gas. Annex VI mandated the ship operator to use marine fuel which contain 0.5 % sulphur or install the scrubber which it will expensively cost for the ship owner. LNG from some of literatures shown the most advance compare to other alternative fuel and it will provide benefit from environmental protection and cost efficiency.

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