
We in this study investigated the role of imatinib-upregulated lncRNA (IUR) in prostate carcinoma (PC). We observed that IUR was downregulated in PC, and its expression levels decreased with the increase of clinical stages. In PC tissues, microRNA (miR)-200 was positively, while ZEB1 was inversely correlated with IUR. In PC cells, IUR and miR-200 overexpression mediated the downregulated ZEB1. IUR overexpression mediated the upregulation of miR-200, while IUR expression was not significantly affected by miR-200 overexpression. Cell invasion and migration analysis showed that IUR and miR-200 overexpression resulted in decreased invasion and migration rates. ZEB1 overexpression played an opposite role and attenuated the effects of IUR and miR-200 overexpression. Therefore, IUR can downregulate ZEB1 by upregulating miR-200 to inhibit PC cell invasion and migration.

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