
Courage to beIn the first part of the essay the question is: What is and what characterizes courage to be? - I here distinguish between courage to be in children, where it is attached to children´s play, and the courage to be in adults, where ist combined with self-conquest and with integration of the ability to act purposely. I stress five dimensions in courage to be: power, possibility, vitality, courage and meaning. It is made clear, that even if courage to be in adults are not attached to bodily unfolding, yet it is stored in the body and therefore can be called forth in a bodily way. In the second part of the essay I discuss the relation between courage to be on one side and fear of life, selfishness and joy of life on the other side. It is demonstrated, that what nourishes and maintains courage to be is joy of life and self-devotion. The thesis of the essay is accordingly that courage to be is created and maintained partly by vitality in its different forms, partly by its attachment to joy of life.


  • I første halvdel af artiklen drejer det sig om en bestemmelse af, hvad livsmod er

  • In the first part of the essay the question is: What is and what characterizes courage to be? - I here distinguish between courage to be in children, where it is attached to childrens play, and the courage to be in adults, where ist combined with self-conquest and with integration of the ability to act purposely

  • That even if courage to be in adults are not attached to bodily unfolding, yet it is stored in the body and can be called forth in a bodily way

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I første halvdel af artiklen drejer det sig om en bestemmelse af, hvad livsmod er. Der skelnes her mellem livsmodet hos børn, et livsmod som er tæt knyttet til børns leg, og livsmodet hos voksne, hvor det centrale er, at livsmodet forbindes med selvovervindelse og med integration af evnen til målrettet handlen. Men når man magter noget, da er der tale om at være til på en mere selvfølgelig og naturlig og uanstrengt måde, hvor man har adgang til noget kraftfuldt i sig selv, nemlig livsmodet, som man kan hengive sig til i en form for tillid, en følelse af bårethed, og som derfor giver ens udfoldelse karakter af ikke blot naturlighed men også af glæde ved udfoldelsen.

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