
Research about school travel and the built environment developed using positivist and post-positivist onto-epistemologies often relies heavily on travel surveys, activity diaries, GPS tracking, and the “objective” measurement of built environment features using geographical information systems and planimetric data. That work takes up and applies specialized disciplinary and practice-based language (e.g., planning and engineering) and concepts that are used to describe, measure, and design the built environment. In this paper, we explore differences in how parents think about the built environment and school transport and the ways in which the built environment and transport are conceptualized in planning. The presence of conceptual asymmetry between a scholar's “model” and the “lived experience” of parents and children may have implications for the efficacy of school travel-related policy and planning. We use Bronfenbrenner's social ecological model to guide a thematic analysis of 37 interviews with parents about school travel behaviour in Toronto, Canada. We found that parents' experiences of the built environment are complex and varied, with different features influencing individual parents differently, and at varying levels of the ecological model. For example, mixed-use development, often held up as a necessary condition for tackling automobility, was cited as a desirable aesthetic background for driving. We were able to locate examples of conceptual asymmetry but also agreement – particularly about traffic around schools. For example, parents expressed divergent views on the impact of heavy traffic on walking, with some describing traffic and traffic safety as barriers to walking, while others indicated that resistance to driving in traffic motivated a choice to walk. Our study serves as a call to planners and geographers to better attend to the lay, everyday onto-epistemologies that shape parents' lived experiences of travel to school.

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