
Economia 3.2 (2003) 43-99 [Access article in PDF] Living and Dying with Hard Pegs: The Rise and Fall of Argentina's Currency Board Augusto de la Torre Eduardo Levy Yeyati Sergio L. Schmukler [Comments] [References] [Figures] [Tables] Argentina's currency board was a textbook model of a rigid exchange rate regime for more than ten years. The subsequent collapse of the financial system yields important lessons for the debate on exchange rate regimes for developing countries. 1 As expected, the Argentine case has already generated much debate on the causes and policy implications of the crisis. 2 Current explanations, however, concentrate too much on the last years of the experiment and do not pay enough attention to the underlying logic of the currency board and its implications for the financial system and the economy at large. In this paper, we study the Argentine experience from a perspective that links money (in its function as a store of value) and financial intermediation. This approach has important advantages. By organizing the discussion of the different intervening factors around a main motive, it allows us to balance the breadth of a comprehensive survey with the focus needed to [End Page 43] extract lessons. This approach also enables us to highlight the role played by the currency board in the development of the financial sector during the 1990s and in the genesis of its collapse. In particular, Argentina fell into a currency-growth-debt (CGD) trap in the late 1990s, which eventually led to a currency and bank run and a devastating economic crisis. The Argentine experience suggests that the benefits of hard pegs have been much overstated. To be sure, a credible hard peg ensures nominal stability and boosts financial intermediation by providing savers with the dollar as the store of value, either directly under dollarization or via the peg under currency boards. Even if credible, however, a hard peg does not automatically lead to the emergence of alternative nominal flexibility (particularly in wages, fiscal spending, and financial contracting) to compensate for the loss of the nominal exchange rate as a policy instrument. This is particularly problematic in the case of hard peg countries that, like Argentina, do not meet the classical conditions for an optimal currency (dollar) area. Partly as a result, hard pegs per se do not induce fiscal or even monetary discipline. The monetary framework of a hard peg, although typically protected by a heavy legal and institutional armor, can be dismantled more easily than is usually thought by the emergence of quasi-monies. These arise, in turn, from extreme budgetary pressures stemming from insufficient nominal flexibility in fiscal spending and public sector wages. Moreover, because the credibility of a hard peg is a positive function of its exit costs, a hard peg creates powerful incentives for the government to raise exit costs further (redouble the bet) when the hard peg is under pressure. Hard pegs endogenously raise exit costs by fostering dollarization—including dollarization of the liabilities of debtors in the nontradables sector—since the government would rather not explicitly adopt measures to discourage dollarization for fear of undermining the credibility of its commitment to the hard peg. Exiting a hard peg is inherently very painful, but some ways of exiting can be more disastrous than others. The Argentine experience offers lessons on alternative exit strategies. With the benefit of hindsight and the caveats of any counterfactual analysis, we argue that the forcible pesification of existing financial contracts (stock pesification) was the most costly choice, for it was bound to cause excessive destruction of property rights with long-lasting consequences for financial intermediation. It was also likely to rekindle the deposit flight and exacerbate the exchange rate overshooting by creating a massive peso overhang in the midst of a currency [End Page 44] run. By contrast, an early (before 2001) exit into full dollarization (of both financial contracts and money in circulation) might have averted the bank run, thus protecting financial intermediation and the payment system, but it...


  • The rise and fall of Argentina’s currency board and the subsequent financial system collapse yield important lessons for the debate on exchange rate regimes for developing countries.1 As expected, the Argentine case has already generated an extensive debate on the causes and policy implications of the crisis.2 Current explanations, concentrate too much on the latest years and do not pay enough attention to the underpinnings of the currency board and to its implications for the financial system and the economy at large.In this paper, we study the Argentine experience from a perspective that links money and financial intermediation

  • Out of the ashes left by hyperinflation and financial disarray in Argentina in the 1980s, the one-peso-one-dollar rule of convertibility quickly restored the function of money as a store of value, thereby enabling a rapid regeneration of financial intermediation as reflected a steep growth of bank deposits and loans throughout 1999 (Figure 1)

  • The first relates to the practical limitations of a hard peg, in the case of countries that do not meet the conditions for an optimal dollar area

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The rise and fall of Argentina’s currency board (a textbook model of a rigid exchange rate regime for more than 10 years) and the subsequent financial system collapse yield important lessons for the debate on exchange rate regimes for developing countries. As expected, the Argentine case has already generated an extensive debate on the causes and policy implications of the crisis. Current explanations, concentrate too much on the latest years and do not pay enough attention to the underpinnings of the currency board and to its implications for the financial system and the economy at large. We find support for an intermediate exit option: dollarization of existing financial contracts (“stock dollarization”) to respect the widespread use of the dollar as store of value, combined with “pesification at the margin” (for instance, via the consolidation of the existing pesos and quasi-monies into a new national currency) to exploit the use of the peso as means of payment and unit of account, which remained extensive and resilient throughout the convertibility period and even during the run.3 While this alternative would not have spared Argentina from significant banking system stress and even some individual bank failures, as debtors in the nontradable sector would have seen their balance sheets and payment capacity adversely affected by the real exchange rate correction, it might have provided a margin of nominal flexibility while avoiding a systemic financial collapse and the unnecessary destruction of property rights.

The rise and fall of Argentina’s currency board
Good times: financial deepening and increased dollarization
Bad times: a currency-growth-debt trap
Living or dying with hard pegs: lessons from Argentina
Limitations of hard pegs as commitment mechanisms
Prudential lessons
Exit strategies
Stock pesification cum float
Formal dollarization
Stock dollarization cum pesification at the margin
Final remarks
A quantum leap forward in a market-friendly approach to prudential oversight
A “best practice” scheme for troubled bank resolution
Contingent repo facility
Improvements in the framework for creditor rights and corporate insolvency
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