
Part 1 Charity: perceptions of monastic almsgiving monastic almsgiving from ordinary income monastic almsgiving from special funds. Part 2 Diet: the problems the sample Benedictine diet - regular and irregular arrangements at Westminster Abbey. Part 3 Sickness and its treatment: the empirical approach the monastic community at Westminster Abbey the treatment of sickness at the abbey morbidity in the monastic community at Westminster Abbey the diseases. Part 4 Mortality: the problems mortality at Christ Church, Canterbury 1395-1505 mortality at Westminster Abbey 1390-1529 the fatal diseases the population trend in late Medieval England. Part 5 Servants: perspectives monastic households servant life earnings at Westminster Abbey. Part 6 Corrodies: perceptions old and new the main kinds of corrody grants in general grants in exchange for real property grants in exchange for money the age and marital status of corrodians. Appendices: charitable giving at Westminster Abbey c.1510-c.1530 catering in the Refectory and Misericord at Westminster Abbey c.1495-c.1525 - numbers and messes apothecaries, physicians and surgeons employed by the Abbot and Convent of Westminster c.1300-c.1540 estimating the life-expectancy of the monks of Westminster, Jim Oeppen corrodians of Westminster Abbey 1100-1540.

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