
Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) can achieve marked future liver remnant (FLR) hypertrophy but this procedure is associated with a risk of mortality due to liver failure because of an insufficient FLR functional increase, a situation comparable to small-for-size syndrome (SFSS) after living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT). The clinical data, morphologic volume changes, and histopathologic and immunohistochemical findings in hepatocytes and bile ductules were compared between ALPPS (n = 10) and LDLT with a risk for SFSS (n = 12). Although the patient characteristics and short-term outcome differed between the groups, the mean hypertrophy ratios with respect to liver volume for the FLR after performing the first-stage ALPPS procedures resembled those in small-for-size grafts after similar time intervals: 1.702 ± 0.407 in ALPPS vs. 1.948 ± 0.252 in LDLT (P = 0.205). The histologic grades for sinusoidal dilation (P = 0.896), congestion (P = 0.922), vacuolar change (P = 0.964), hepatocanalicular cholestasis (P = 0.969), and ductular reaction (P = 0.728) within the FLR at the second-stage operation during ALPPS or implanted graft were all similar between the groups. The hepatic regenerative process may be similar in ALPPS and LDLT using a small-for-size graft. Reducing the hepatic vascular inflow that may be excessive for the FLR volume during the first stage of ALPPS might enhance the functional recovery since measures with a similar effect appear to lessen the likelihood of SFSS.

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