
Abstract Introduction/Objective Short telomere syndrome (STS) is a genetically inherited syndrome resulting in premature telomere shortening. STS encompasses a spectrum of clinical manifestations, including dyskeratosis congenita, premature hair graying, bone marrow failure, immunodeficiency, pulmonary fibrosis and liver disease. Liver histopathologic features in STS patients have not been well characterized. Methods/Case Report A 46-year-old man presented for dyspnea and cryptogenic cirrhosis. He had a complicated medical history significant for immune thrombocytopenic purpura and splenectomy, recurrent respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, sepsis, primary immunodeficiency, pulmonary mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and severe hepatopulmonary syndrome. He and his brother had gray hair in their late 20s. He also had a long history of intermittently elevated liver enzymes starting at age 33. A liver biopsy performed 12 years before showed chronic portal inflammation with hepatocellular damage without significant fibrosis. These clinical manifestations prompted an evaluation for a possible telomere biology disorder, which revealed the telomere length was critically short and fell at or below the first percentile for age, supportive of the diagnosis. The most recent liver biopsy showed marked portal lymphocytic inflammation with interface hepatitis, bile ductular reaction and frequent foci of lobular inflammation with focal hepatocyte dropout. Some hepatocytes around the portal tracts were swollen with feathery degeneration and occasional Mallory-Denk bodies. A Rhodanine stain highlighted copper granules in the periportal hepatocytes, suggesting chronic cholestasis. Trichrome and reticulin stains demonstrated portal/periportal/pericellular/perisinusoidal fibrosis and focal bridging fibrosis. Results (if a Case Study enter NA) NA Conclusion Partly due to the rarity of STS and the risk of bleeding associated with biopsies, liver histology was described in only few limited studies with small samples of STS patients, including inflammation, nodular regenerative hyperplasia, steatohepatitis, hemosiderosis, cholestasis, cirrhosis, and large cell change of hepatocytes. Our case and others suggest liver disease associated with STS demonstrates a spectrum of histopathology. Being aware of these histomorphologic features in STS is important for establishing the correct diagnosis.

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