
With COVID-19 outbreak globally several studies on livelihoods and food systems are conducted in consistent manner. India being an agrarian economy, the impact of pandemic on agricultural sector and farmers needs a great focus. The present exploratory study on Livelihood Security (LS) was carried out in Telangana, India among Suryapet and Rangareddy districts purposively with 160 respondents selected through multistage random sampling during 2021. Livelihood Security Index was used with 7 sub-indicators and it depicted that only one sub-indicator i.e., economic security contributing less than 50% to LS and majority of the respondents have moderate level of livelihood security (42.5%) with overall mean value of 0.628. The determinants of LS were identifi ed through Multivariate regression analysis model and found 14 predictors were fi tted in model responsible for 62.8% variance in the dependent variable (LS). The regression model revealed that Family size, educational years, Livestock holding, Social Participation, annual family income, mass media exposure, and Risk orientation were most aided predictor variables in the improvement of livelihood security during COVID-19 with educational years having greater β-value. R2 standardized linear graph was plotted against the LS and the signifi cant predictor value demonstrating the distribution of respondents over graph according to their livelihood security with R2 linear value 0.606. Thus, during COVID-19 more livelihood options for diversifi cation of income can aid in increase of LS. The present study concluded by suggesting policy implications to ensure livelihood security among farming communities during pandemic.

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