
Hiroshima City is surrounded by mountains on its three sides, the east, north, and west, except the south facing the sea, and besides, its urban area places delta region. The capacity of the urban area in Hiroshima City is limited, so its land prices are exceedingly higher than other areas. Due to these conditions, most of the citizens live in residential estates at the slope of these mountains surrounding the city. However, the living environment of the suburban slope residential estates doesn't seem so suitable for elderly people who are unable to go shopping usually called as ``vulnerable road users''. Our previous study showed the concept of information sharing system to support the transportation of residents living in a place where public transportation is not sufficiently developed. In this paper, based on the investigation results on residents' traffic attitude in the slope residential estates at Itsukaichi District, Hiroshima City, and also our previous work, we design and develop a web service to support vulnerable road user's daily life in suburban residential estates.

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