
Until 1976, the Portuguese electrical sector was fragmented into several companies operating at regional or even local scale. In the aftermaths of the April Revolution of1974, there was large-scale nationalization program to which the electrical sector was no exception. Electricidade de Portugal (EDP) was created in 1976 with the fusion of 13 nationalized companies. Several development programs were undertaken, such as the complete electrification of Portugal. This herculean effort revealed the need to adopt techniques which allowed network interventions without affecting the continuity of power supply. The first steps towards Live Working (LW) were undertaken with Electricite de France (EDF / SERECT) in the acquisition of methods and tools, as well as team training. The continuous growth of LW activity led EDP to adopt new methods (rubber gloves and bare hands) with SERECT supervision, to advance from LV (Low Voltage) and MV (Medium Voltage) to HV (High Voltage −60 kV), and to train and contract teams from outsourcing companies. At first, the training was assured by EDP. However, the requirement for training quickly grew and EDP adopted a policy of outsourcing the training, while maintaining its own technology and methods. To ensure the quality in training and to guarantee high performance of external teams, EDP has implemented monitoring and auditing methods in LW and training activities. Furthermore, to maintain the expertise of LW activities, EDP invested in the training of two new teams, as well as new instructors. The present document aims at showing the evolution of Live Working at EDP and in Portugal from 1976 to our present day.

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