
This study focused on changes in doe live weight during lactation in West African dwarf (WAD) and Red Sokoto (RS) goats intensively managed within the humid zone of South-western Nigeria. The data analysed was based on 202 weekly records. from 17 lactations of 8 WAD and 9 RS goats from year 2000-2002. Mean live weight for RS does (21.16+0.34 kg) was higher (P<0.001) than the estimate (18.15+0.34 kg) for WAD does. Live weight decreased (P>0.05) from parturition up to fourth week and increased (P> 0.05) thereafter till the 12th week of lactation. There was no significant interaction between breed and week of lactation. Cumulative mean weight changes of 0.16+4119 kg for WAD and 0.38+0.22 kg for RS were not significantly different, Does had higher (P<0.001) body weights during the late- wet and early-dry seasons than during late-thy and early-wet seasons.. Live weight increased .significantly (P<0.001) with parity of doe, the trend being maintained with regards to cumulative weight change. Does that suckled male kids were less superior in body weights. This was reflected by a negative cumulative weight change. Live weight was positively con-elated with milk yield (rp = 0.24; P<0.05,4 estimated at 270.61+13.48 ml and 281.98+ 13. 17 ml respectively for RS and WAD goats (P>0.05). Corresponding values for milk off-take were (.14.09+3.64 and 16,45+3.56 ml; P>0.05), Milk off-take was lowly correlated with live weight (rp= 0_06; P>0.05) while its relationship with milk yield was positive and significant (rp= 0.40: P<0.001).

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