
The live streaming of Constitution Bench hearings is a research topic that exploresthe feasibility and potential benefits of broadcasting the proceedings of the highest judicialforum in India. The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court of India is responsible forinterpreting the country's constitution and delivering landmark judgments that shape the legallandscape. However, the lack of transparency and accessibility in the functioning of thejudiciary has been a longstanding concern in India. This research aims to investigate thefeasibility of live-streaming Constitution Bench hearings to enhance transparency,accountability, and public participation in the judicial process. The study examines the legaland technological challenges associated with live streaming and the potential benefits anddrawbacks of the practice. By analyzing the experiences of other countries that haveimplemented live streaming of court proceedings, the study aims to provide policyrecommendations and suggest a roadmap for implementing live streaming in India. Ultimately,the research seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on judicial reforms and thedemocratization of the Indian judiciary.

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