
The storm Gudrun blew down 75 million m3 wood in Sweden in 2005. Because harvesting and storage capacities were not sufficient, interest arose in leaving trees in the stand, i.e. live storage. In this study live storage of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] trees during one summer in southern Sweden was examined. Differences between mesic and moist sites with all trees and scattered trees windthrown, respectively, were analysed for moisture content (MC) and blue stain. Live-stored trees had lower MC than standing trees, and the mesic site with all trees felled had the lowest MC. Even if the MC was lowered in the live-stored trees, the MC exceeded 50% in all stands but the mesic site with all trees felled. The live-stored trees were only sparsely infested by blue stain. Live storage of Norway spruce in some stands in southern Sweden is a possible alternative method for wood storage when the need exceeds the capacity.

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