
The review focuses on the history of the production of live antiviral vaccines and their use for the prevention of infectious diseases. It was noted that before the beginning of the 20th century, only three live vaccines were developed and put into practice — against smallpox, rabies, plague. The discovery of D. Enders, T.H. Weller and F.Ch. Robins of the ability of the polio virus, and then of a number of other viruses, to reproduce in vitro in cell cultures of various types, greatly expanded the studies on the production of attenuated strains of viruses for live vaccines. The historical stages of obtaining and introducing live vaccines for the prevention of smallpox, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, and mumps are highlighted. Arguments in favor of the use of associated vaccine preparations for the prevention of viral infections are presented. Various variants of the strategy and tactics of using live vaccines, which are used for specific prevention of viral infections in different countries, are described. The review provides information on technological methods for obtaining antiviral vaccines. The publications testifying to the development of specific reactions in immunized vaccine strains of measles, mumps, poliomyelitis and rubella viruses, such as aseptic meningitis (vaccine strains of mumps virus), acute arthritis (vaccine rubella virus strains), temperature reactions, rash (vaccine strains of the virus Measles), vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) vaccine vaccine poliovirus. It is particularly noted that the long experience of vaccine prevention both in Russia and abroad convincingly shows that the risk of developing post-vaccination complications is incommensurably lower than the risk of causing harm to health from the corresponding infections. It is concluded that despite introduction of new third and fourth generation vaccines into practice, live attenuated vaccines do not lose their significance and are used in vaccine-preventable infections as the most effective immunobiological drugs.


  • The review focuses on the history of the production of live antiviral vaccines and their use for the prevention of infectious diseases

  • Various variants of the strategy and tactics of using live vaccines, which are used for specific prevention of viral infections in different countries, are described

  • The publications testifying to the development of specific reactions in immunized vaccine strains of measles, mumps, poliomyelitis and rubella viruses, such as aseptic meningitis, acute arthritis, temperature reactions, rash, vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) vaccine vaccine poliovirus

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The review focuses on the history of the production of live antiviral vaccines and their use for the prevention of infectious diseases. Еще одной широко и успешно применяющейся и по настоящее время живой вакциной является живая коревая вакцина (ЖКВ) на основе различных аттенуированных штаммов вируса кори. Что использование культуры фибробластов эмбрионов японских перепелов для производства ЖПВ из штамма Л-3 устраняет риск возникновения анафилактических реакций гиперчувствительности немедленного типа на куриный белок.

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