
The concept of livability is not new to Montana or the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). Helping build great places in great environments has long been embedded in the department’s mission, and even the state constitution. In light of the current national dialogue on livability, the challenge facing MDT is to more formally define livability for Montana and its communities and understand how livability relates to Montana’s transportation needs. The purpose of this study is to determine what livability means for Montana and the role of transportation. To achieve the goal of the study, the research team: (1) scanned existing demographic data and literature; (2) conducted interviews of peer states; (3) conducted a qualitative analysis on Montana TranPlan 21 public comments; (4) conducted a public survey of Montana communities and a local elected leader survey; and (5) interviewed Montana partner agencies and key MDT staff. The study finds that Montana has some unique characteristics that may have a bearing on measures of its livability. For example, sixty-two percent of Montanans live in areas where the population density is 800 people per square mile or higher, but those areas account for only 0.1 percent of the land area. Along with its unique character, the surveys conducted for this study indicate that Montana is also a good place to live. Survey respondents endorsed the belief that MDT projects add value to their quality of life. There were some consistent themes identified through the various tasks of this study. One size does not fit all, and any definition of livability should have some flexibility and scalability based on local needs and a community vision. Well maintained road system, safety, public transportation systems, bike and pedestrian facilities, and winter maintenance are important features of livability for Montana communities. Based on research and outreach, the research team proposes the following definition for livability in Montana as it relates to transportation: “Provide a transportation system that emphasizes a safe, maintained road network; allows for multimodal transportation opportunities; and considers local community values.” – This report and related materials can be found at http://www.mdt.mt.gov/research/projects/planning/benchmarks.shtml.

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