
We explore a new class of natural models which ensure the one-loop divergences in the Higgs mass are cancelled. The top-partners that cancel the top loop are new gauge bosons, and the symmetry relation that ensures the cancellation arises at an infrared fixed point. Such a cancellation mechanism can, a la Little Higgs models, push the scale of new physics that completely solves the hierarchy problem up to 5-10 TeV. When embedded in a supersymmetric model, the stop and gaugino masses provide the cutoffs for the loops, and the mechanism ensures a cancellation between the stop and gaugino mass dependence of the Higgs mass parameter.


  • There have been many attempts to use conformal symmetry to address the hierarchy problem [14,15,16,17,18], but these attempts typically stumble on imperfect cancellations [13, 19], or on the existence of the Planck scale

  • When embedded in a supersymmetric model, the stop and gaugino masses provide the cutoffs for the loops, and the mechanism ensures a cancellation between the stop and gaugino mass dependence of the Higgs mass parameter

  • There is a further problem that conformal symmetry cannot help with: what determines the cutoffs in the divergent loops? This can only be answered in a theory where the cutoffs are calculable, so we will examine the case where Little Conformal Symmetry embeded in a supersymmetric model with gauge mediation where the ratio of stop and gaugino masses is fixed by gauge couplings

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A toy model

The contributions to the quadratic divergence of the Higgs mass come from the following diagrams shown in figure 1. Where λ is the Higgs quartic coupling, yt is the top Yukawa, the i index runs over all the gauge couplings of the Higgs, and C2i(H) is the quadratic Casimir of the Higgs field representation in the ith gauge group [22]. Let us first consider how the top loop could be cancelled by a new non-Abelian gauge boson loop. For this to occur the Higgs would have to be embedded in a multiplet of a new gauge group. (We will return to this point, where the cutoffs will be superpartner masses that will not be equal.) Ensuring the cancellation gives us a requirement that the top Yukawa coupling, yt, is related to the new gauge coupling gN.

A more realistic toy model
A UV matter content
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