
Anthropogenic global change fundamentally impacts ecosystem biogeochemical cycling. Although litter decomposition is a crucial component of carbon (C) cycling, its response to diverse global change factors (GCFs) remains uncertain. In this research, we synthesized 1706 observations from 260 peer-reviewed publications to elucidate the effects of GCFs on litter decomposition rate (k) and the contribution of different variables to them. Overall, nitrogen (N) addition and drought significantly decreased k (−3.3 and −17.7%, respectively), phosphorus (P) addition, warming, and increased precipitation significantly increased k (6.7, 8.2, and 11.6%, respectively), while elevated CO2 had an insignificant effect on k (−0.6%). Combined GCFs had no significant effect on k except for warming*drought, and all combined factors mainly exhibited antagonistic interactions. Further analysis showed that k responses to GCFs were influenced by initial litter quality (C, N, C:N, P, cellulose, lignin, and vegetation types), soil properties (soil organic C, soil total N, soil total P, soil respiration and microbial biomass C), environmental factors (latitude, longitude, annual mean temperature, annual mean precipitation, ecosystem type, and climate type), and experimental methods (experiment type, richness, treatment method, fertilizer form, fertilizer rate, and experimental duration). Initial litter quality predominantly governed the k response to N addition (53.5%), while soil properties were more significant in regulating the P addition response (44.8%). Environmental factors largely determined k responses to warming, drought, and increased precipitation (50.6, 54.7, 46.9%). Moreover, the experimental methodology also played an important role in regulating k responses to GCFs, which explained 8.6, 23.6, 31.1, 23.7, and 29.7% of the variation of the responses of k to N addition, P addition, warming, drought, and increased precipitation. This meta-analysis offers improved global-scale nutrient cycling predictions under climate change and underscores the need for long-term, multi-factor, methodologically standardized experiments to accurately predict the influence of GCFs on litter decomposition.

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