
Considerable research efforts have been devoted to determining what forest management practices most affect stream ecosystems, and how those impacts might be mitigated. Recent studies have stressed the relevance of litter decomposition to assess the conditions of headwater streams affected by riparian and upland forest harvest. Here we specifically examined whether litter decomposition can detect ecological effects of clearcutting to stream edges on headwater streams eight years after logging and if large (30 m) and narrow (10 m) riparian reserves (8-year post-harvest), and selection logging at 50% removal of basal area of riparian trees (1-year post-harvest), are effective protection measures for streams. We measured decomposition rates of red alder ( Alnus rubra) leaf litter in sixteen stream reaches, including reference reaches in a 70-year-old forest. We further examined assemblages of two main litter consumer groups, shredder invertebrates in riffles and aquatic hyphomycete fungi developing on decaying alder leaves. Alder decay rate was significantly lower in clearcut reaches than in reference reaches, and we found no evidence that any alternative riparian management practices examined in this study were able to mitigate against such an effect of logging. In unlogged reaches, rapid litter decomposition (0.0050–0.0118 day −1) was associated with high density and diversity of shredders (up to ten taxa). Slower litter decomposition in wide and narrow reserve reaches (0.0019–0.0054 day −1) and clearcut reaches (0.0024–0.0054 day −1) was attributed to lower density and richness of shredders. By contrast, the low decay rate in recently established thinned reaches (0.0031–0.0049 day −1) was not associated with a numerical response of shredders. Smothering of submerged leaves by sediments may have caused the reduction in alder decay rate in thinned reaches. Across all forest treatments fungal biomass or diversity remained fairly similar. Our findings suggest that stream ecosystems are extremely sensitive to small changes in riparian and upland forest cover. We propose that litter decomposition as a key ecosystem function in streams could be incorporated into further efforts to evaluate and improve forestry best management practices.

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