
The Djarkadougou gold prospect is located on the Birimian greenstone belt of the Houndé exploration permit held by the company Orezone Inc. The permit is at 275 km far from the capital Ouagadougou south- western Burkina Faso, West Africa. This area is based on sheared and metamorphosed greenschist facies rocks. Metamorphism locally reaches to the amphibolite facies around intrusions. There are two major lithological units whose interface is marked by a NW-SE trending shear corridor: an unit of andesite-basaltic rocks of andesitic breccias in the East and volcaniclastic and sedimentary unit composed flows, tuffs and felsic to mafic breccia, interbedded volcano-sedimentary rocks. All this together is intruded by plutonic rocks, and various felsic to mafic dykes. These rocks have undergone ductile to brittle heterogeneous deformations and hydrothermal alteration sericite ±carbonate ±quartz±sulphide within deformation corridors. The rocks of the East and West domains affected by three phases of brittle-ductile deformation (D1, D2, and D3) and the meteoric alteration is systematic in superficial facies of Djarakadougou core drilling.Geochemical analysis shows a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic serie characteristic a bimodal volcanism. The spectra of normalized REE chondrites are generally flat and constant reminding those of N-MORB basalt. The chemical compositions of andesite and basalt are deferred on several discrimination diagrams especially Th / Yb - Nb / Yb and 2 Nb - Zr / 4 - Y show that andesites and basalts of the prospect are issued in geotectonic setting of volcanism preponderant arc.


  • 1.1 IntroductionThe West African craton lies on metamorphosed and granitized basement definitely stabilized around 1700 Ma

  • Burkina Faso belongs to the eastern part of the ride of Leo and precisely the domain where Baoule-Mossi built formations during the Eburnean orogeny (2250-2100 Ma) are organized in greenstone belts of NE-SW and NNE-SSW trending in granitic ride

  • This study present a lithostratigraphic column of the formations from Djarkadougou prospect

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1.1 IntroductionThe West African craton lies on metamorphosed and granitized basement definitely stabilized around 1700 Ma. The Paleoproterozoic formations occupy the Baoule-Mossi domain to the east of west Archean representing Kénéman-Man domain. This shield, are separated usually by a major tectonic contact (Figure.1), the fault Sassandra. Burkina Faso belongs to the eastern part of the ride of Leo and precisely the domain where Baoule-Mossi built formations during the Eburnean orogeny (2250-2100 Ma) are organized in greenstone belts of NE-SW and NNE-SSW trending in granitic ride. A mineralized zone has raised work that pose the problem of lithostructural control of gold concentration. The core holes located in the Djarkadougou gold mineralization prospect clearly reinforce the means of investigation and recognition lithostructural context of the mineralization

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