
This research focuses on the lithostratigraphy and microbiostratigraphy implications of the Gadvan and Darian Formations in a part of Zagros sedimentary basin. The Gadvan and Darian Formations in the study area with a thick-ness of 520 meters consist of gray to green marls and shales, dark-grey limestones and Orbitolina limestone with Late Barremian-Aptian age. According to the lithostratigraphic investigations, the Gadvan and Darian Formations in the study area are subdivided into eleven units. The upper boundary of the Darian Formation with the Kazhdomi Formation and the lower boundary of Gadvan Formation with the Fahliyan Formation are in the form of disconformity. Micropaleontological study of the Gadvan and Dariyan Formations has led to the recognition 20 families, 45 genera, 35 species of benthic foraminifera, 2 genera of pelagic foraminifera and 8 genera and species of the calcareous algae. In this research, three biozones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the Gadvan and Dariyan Formations of the South Semirom, including: 1) Palorbitolina lenticularis-Choffatella decipiens Concurrent Range Zone (middle Late Barremian to early Early Aptian); 2) Praeorbitolina cormyi-Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) lotzei Assemblage Zone (late Early Aptian); 3): Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) texanae-Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) parva Assemblage Zone (Middle to Late Aptian). Based on the identified foraminifera, the age of the Gadvan and Darian Formations in the study area is assigned to Late Barremian to Aptian.

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