
The lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Kuhlan Formation in Yemen is reviewed based on the previous literature and new examination of five widely spaced outcrops in the Kuhlan Affar, Jabal Maswar, Jabal Salab, Wadi Hajar, and Ras Falanj areas. Following the guidelines set by the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Kuhlan Formation, with an age as latest Triassic to the Middle Jurassic, includes three members, Azzan, Souq, and Hesn, in an ascending order. Azzan member consists mainly of about 40 m of whitish coarse grained sandstone with many conglomeratic horizons. The Souq member is characterized by its reddish to brownish sandstones as well as the presence of polygonal structures at in the central part of this member, with a thickness of about 70 m. The Hesn member consists dominantly (80 m) of whitish sandstones with some marl intercalations at its topmost part. The Kuhlan Formation was deposited in a fluviatile environment.

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