
An integration of lithostratigraphy and general sedimentary facies character for non-marine rocks can be a powerful tool in understanding the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the subsurface latest Silurian to Early Devonian Winduck Interval in the Blantyre and western Neckarboo sub-basins, central Darling Basin. This study integrates wireline logs (gamma ray and resistivity), cores and cuttings data to determine the sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the study area. The lithostratigraphy of the Winduck Interval could be subdivided into three units (A, B and C, in ascending order) in the four available wells (Mount Emu 1, Kewell East 1, Booligal Creek 1 and Booligal Creek 2). Closer study of the sequence stratigraphy in the approximately 850-m-thick Winduck Interval revealed ten parasequences (A–J) in progradational to retrogradational parasequence sets and three main Winduck sequences, WKS1, WKS2 and WKS3. Use of the suggested sequence stratigraphic model of the Winduck Interval has the potential to refine existing lithostratigraphic schemes and, given the higher resolution and more detailed correlation, may significantly improve subsurface stratigraphic reconstructions and aid in prediction of hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs.

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