
Northeast Asian continental margins contain the products of magma emplacement driven by prolonged subduction of the (paleo-)Pacific plate. As observed in many Cordilleran arcs, magmatic evolution in this area was punctuated by high-volume pulses amid background periods. The present study investigates the early evolution of the Cretaceous magmatic flare-up using new and published geochronological, geochemical, and O-Hf isotope data from plutonic rocks in the southern Korean Peninsula. After a long (∼50 m.y.) magmatic hiatus and the development of the Honam Shear Zone through flat-slab subduction, the Cretaceous flare-up began with the intrusion of monzonites, granodiorites, and granites in the inboard Gyeonggi Massif and the intervening Okcheon Belt. Compared to Jurassic granitoids formed during the former flare-up, Albian (∼111 Ma) monzonites found in the Eopyeong area of the Okcheon Belt have distinctly higher zircon εHf(t) (−7.5 ± 1.3) and δ18O (7.78‰ ± 0.25‰) values and lower whole-rock La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios. The voluminous coeval granodiorite and granite plutons in the Gyeonggi Massif are further reduced in Sr/Y and to a lesser extent, in La/Yb, and have higher zircon εHf(t) values (−13 to −19) than the Precambrian basement (ca. −30). These chemical and isotopic features indicate that Early Cretaceous lithospheric thinning, most likely resulting from delamination of tectonically and magmatically overthickened lithospheric keel that was metasomatized during prior subduction episodes, and consequent asthenospheric upwelling played vital roles in igniting the magmatic flare-up. The O-Hf isotopic ranges of synmagmatic zircons from the Albian plutons and their Paleoproterozoic and Jurassic inheritance attest to the involvement of lithospheric mantle and crustal basement in magma generation during this decratonization event. Arc magmatism then migrated trenchward and culminated in the Late Cretaceous, yielding widespread granitoid rocks emplaced at shallow crustal levels. The early Late Cretaceous (94–85 Ma) granites now prevalent in Seoraksan-Woraksan-Sokrisan National Parks are highly silicic and display flat chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns with deep Eu anomalies. Synmagmatic zircons in these granites mimic their host rock’s chemistry. Delamination-related rejuvenation of crustal protoliths is indicated by zircon εHf(t) values of granites (−6 to −20) that are consistently higher than the Precambrian basement value. Concomitant core-to-rim variation in zircon O-Hf isotopic compositions reflects a typical sequence of crustal assimilation and fresh input into the magma chamber.

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