
Reservoir lithology types in a prospect zone of hydrocarbon can be known through well log data analysis, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Lithology interpretation based on qualitatively well log data analysis, has been successfully carried out by K-1 and K-3 well log data on JS Field, West Natuna basin, Riau Islands.Main focus of the research is types of lithology indicated by response the petrophysical well data log of Lower-Middle Miocene Arang Formation. Arang Formation was deposited immediately on top Barat formation and depositional environment in this formation is transitional marine - marine. Petrophysics log shows well data are log gamma ray, resistivity, neutron porosity, density, and sonic. The limitation of study are on four types lithology, they are coal, sand, sally sand, and shale. Lithology on well K-1 dominate by shale, there is thin intersection between sand and coal. The well of K-1 have sand thickest around six meter. While on well K-3 Petrophysics log data shows thin intersection between coal, sand, shaly sand, and dominated by shale. The thickest Sand have thickness 29 meter, and thicker than on K-1 well. The result in this study, the formation dominated by types of lithology “shale”.

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