
According to classical concepts, the primary function of oil and gas source beds is generation of hydrocarbons. The oil and gas source beds in favorable conditions generate oil and gas, while oil-andgas-bearing reservoirs accumulate hydrocarbons and donate them in the course of mining. This research aimed to prove forecast criteria for the occurrence of hydrocarbons in oil and gas source beds with a view to enhancing efficiency of prospect and exploration of adsorbed oil in terrigenous deposits or matrix oil in carbonate deposits. In terms of Khadum Formation in Ciscaucasia, the authors examine productive strata which are both the source and reservoir of hydrocarbons. The research findings on the organic porosity, as well as the analyses of adsorbed oil and matrix oil in terrigenous and carbonate deposits can help essentially modify the oil and gas exploration strategies. The obtained results prove the scientific idea that oil and gas source beds can generate, accumulate and cluster hydrocarbons, which calls for the criteria for oil exploration in oil and gas source beds. The results of this research can be used for the analysis and assessment of the hydrocarbon stock potential, as well as for the exploration and recovery of adsorbed and matrix oil in terrigenous and carbonate deposits.

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