
Near the Segura pluton, hyper-differentiated magmas enriched in F, P, and Li migrated through shallowly dipping fractures, which were sub-perpendicular to the schistosity of the host Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian metasedimentary series, to form two swarms of low-plunging aplite–pegmatite dykes. The high enrichment factors for the fluxing elements (F, P, and Li) compared with peraluminous granites are of the order of 1.5 to 5 and are a consequence of the extraction of low-viscosity magma from the crystallising melt. With magmatic differentiation, increased P and Li activity yielded the crystallisation of the primary amblygonite–montebrasite series and Fe-Mn phosphates. The high activity of sodium during the formation of the albite–topaz assemblage in pegmatites led to the replacement of the primary phosphates by lacroixite. The influx of external, post-magmatic, and Ca-Sr-rich hydrothermal fluids replaced the initial Li-Na phosphates with phosphates of the goyazite–crandallite series and was followed by apatite formation. Dyke emplacement in metasediments took place nearby the main injection site of the muscovite granite, which plausibly occurred during a late major compression event.

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