
AbstractTechnological, typological and tool use data from three Late Magdalenian sites–Verberie in the Paris Basin, Rascano and El Juyo in Cantabria–are compared, with the aim of isolating patterns that reflect stylistic differences from those that relate to site functions. Non-lithic data from Verberie and Rascano imply they were specialized hunting stations while El Juyo was a more generalized base camp. It is argued that most of the ‘stylistic’ differences between the Spanish sites and the French ones are attributable to differences in the availability and size oflithic raw materials in the two regions. Differences in tool use patterns between the hunting stations and the base camp are disguised by a ubiquitous Magdalenian pattern of emphasis on the manufacture and repair of bone I antler items and composite projectile heads. But some differences were discerned: the base camp (El Juyo) shows a greater emphasis on the later stages of hide preparation and the retooling of composite projectile heads.

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