
The purpose of carrying out this community service activity is to provide an understanding of Shari'ah Literacy, a union through the interest of Entrepreneurs located in Puri Cendana housing block F 26/5, Sumber Jaya Tambun village, South Bekasi, West Java. After carrying out this activity, it is hoped that it will increase understanding and benefits for students at the Hidayatunnajah Warohmah foundation. This community service activity is held within 1 (one) day. In carrying out this service activity, the problem found was that santriwan / santriwati still did not get an understanding of Shari'ah Literization, union and entrepreneurial interests that were good, and correct in accordance with the principles of guidance from Allah and His Prophet adhering to Q.S. An-nisa : 59. The results of community service activities show that there has been an increase in the understanding of santriwan / santriwati at the Hidayatunnajah Warahmah foundation which is good and beneficial. Overall, community service activities received a positive response from the Hidayatunnajah Foundation Islamic Boarding School, Warahmah Sumberjaya Tambun, Bekasi Selatan, West Java.

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