
<p>This research aims to examine the application of art therapy, which includes targets and scope, techniques, procedures, and the success of animal-assisted treatment for reducing personal anxiety. The research method used is a literature review. The data source used is 24 research journals show a connection with the problem to be studied. The data collection technique used is documentation (document analysis). The data analysis technique used is content analysis. The steps of content analysis were carried out by searching for data, collected, and analyzed will be checked through inter-literature checks. The result of this study is 1) The target of Animal-assisted Therapy is young children to adults who are female and male with a range of ages from 5 to 54. 2) The Techniques of Animal-assisted Therapy involve interacting with therapeutic animals, such as playing, petting, talking with animals, feeding, and drinking. 3) The procedures of Animal-assisted Therapy consist of 3 main stages: preparation stage, therapy/counseling stage, and termination stage. Animal-assisted Therapy can be conducted in groups and individuals. 4) The successful use of Animal-assisted Therapy for reducing personal anxiety is effective and reduces the level of anxiety experienced by everyone. This study recommends that Animal-assisted Therapy can be an alternative guidance and counseling service in collaboration with other counseling approaches.</p>

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