
Abstract: Denial of service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS) are usually deliberate attempts to eat up the victim's bandwidth or obstruct the use of services by authorized users. The traditional internet architecture is susceptible to DDoS attacks, giving an attacker the chance to set up attack networks or "Botnets" that provide them access to a huge number of infected computers. An attacker launches a massive, well-coordinated attack against one or more targets after setting up an attack network or botnet. Numerous DDoS attack Detection, Prevention, and Trace-back procedures have been proposed as a result of the ongoing development of new assaults and the expanding variety of vulnerable hosts on the internet. When a system is targeted by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults for commercial monitoring typically involves many packets. They clog up the network, overburden the bandwidth, and overwhelm thousands of infected hosts. Due to DDoS, there is no effective leverage on the crucial support of infrastructure. This entirely mitigate the legitimate end users of the system resources. In this paper, we tend to examine several DDoS attack kinds, their methodologies, and related countermeasures. This paper also elaborates treatment of numerous DDoS assault defense strategies, including as detection, defense, and mitigation

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