
The purpose of this system is to analyze Soft Skills that affect the recruitment process of general practitioners in hospitals. The literature review in this study was carried out through a systematic selection sought from international databases. The author searches for data sources from various databases, including PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/), and SAGE journals (https://journals.sagepub.com/). The articles found were 10 articles that discussed the recruitment process and the influence of soft skills in the recruitment process. In the recruitment process, prospective applicants go through various recruitment and selection stages. The method used by the hospital is done online and offline. The online method is widely used in the form of information that is disseminated through the hospital web, Facebook and Instagram offline by recruiting internal hospitals such as recommendations from hospital employees and foundations. Hospitals under the auspices of the foundation prefer to use the offline method, namely by withdrawing from existing foundations, although it is possible to recruit online.

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