
The interpretation of the Al-Quran and its literature throughout Indonesia in the 20th century experienced significant development and progress very rapidly since it was started by Mahmud Yunus in the 1940s. The tafsir writer wrote the interpretation for the advancement of Muslims in Indonesia. at least there are interpretations written in Indonesian that are used for reading material for the people of this country. Because many Indonesian Muslims do not deepen and understand the al-Qur'an which is originally Arabic. After the interpretation of Mahmud Yunus' work, then Ahmad Hasan interpreted the Qur'an with his interpretation of Al-Furqan, namely in 1940. Then, H. Zainuddin Hamidy and H. Fachruddin HS wrote their tafsir works with a better arrangement. There are many interesting sides to this interpretation. In a paper on this interpretation work, the speaker will discuss one of the commentators in Indonesia, the more popular one by the name of Haji Zainuddin Hamidy and his friend Fachruddin HS.

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