
The most ancient and the mother of almost every culture of the world, Indian culture has been immortal with its traditional entity. It is the purest one with its refined traits and inside it; there lies love, respect and egoless personality. Basic elements of it have been inspiring and combining not only Indians but the foreigners also. In spite of the diversity, whole India is a unity because of its common culture and that is why when the ancient cultures and civilizations of the world e.g., Greek, Egyptian and Rome have perished but Indian culture and civilization is intact even today. Behind Indian culture there are major features such as the spirit of deism, coordination, unity in diversity, ancientness, and benevolence and these are life-giving elements that calm us down and assure us to withstand the attack of post modern mechanized culture. History tells that the imbibing power of Indian culture is employed under its currents, either trying to make itself most beautiful or battling and defeating inner or outer foes. Today the whole world is accepting the greatness of Indian culture, besides many causes, contributions of many philosophers and ideologists are also appreciable in its publicity and dissemination. Classical writers like Kalidas, Shudrak, Bhas, Shri Harsh etc. have disclosed the culture of the golden era of India in their works; for in the shadow of literature, features of particular age are hidden. Later a long series of the writers of regional languages have echoed and expanded the Indian way of living, thinking, and behavior, according to their own style. Anglo-Indian literature is also not spared this particular subject and many writers are contributing in spreading Indian culture throughout the world. Ruskin Bond is one of the shiniest stars in this galaxy and his whole literature is based on ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ ideology. The present paper is an endeavour to evaluate Ruskin Bond as a writer and a Culturist.

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