
1. General Principles: ‘Mechanical Properties of Fruits and Vegetables; Review of a Decade of Research, Applications and Future Needs’, by N. Mohsenin1. General Principles: ‘A Review of Physical Properties Research: Mechanical ‐ Grain, Meat and Processed Foods’, by C. T. Morrow1. General Principles: ‘Nonlinear Regression Applied to Non‐Newtonian Flow’, by P. J. Niebergall, R. L. Schnaare, and E. T. Sugita2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Das Penetrometer als Instrument für die rheologische Analyse gelierter Systeme’, by J. Wozniak, H. Beltman and W. Pilnik2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Mechanics of Deformation of a Fruit Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure’, by M. G. Sharma and N. N. Mohsenin2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘A Theoretical Analysis of the Resonance of Intact Apples’, by J. Cooke2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Messung der Frischhaltung von Brot’, by W. Morandini and L. Wassermann2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Messung der Krumenfestigkeit von Sandkuchen und Hefefeingebäck’, by W. Morandini, H. Egle and L. Wasserman2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Application of Muller’s Method to Extensigraph Measurements with Various Hook Speeds’ by J. Prihoda and W. Bushuk2. Instrumentation and Methodology: An Electronic Recording Instrument for Measurement of Torque During Whipping of Cream and Toppings’, by M. Tanaka and J. M. de Man2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Updating the Shear Press’, by P. W. Voisey2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Note on an Improved Apparatus for Testing Spaghetti Tenderness’, by R. R. Matsuo and G. N. Irvine3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘Texture Profile Analysis of Cucumbers’, by W. M. Breene, D. W. Davis and Hung‐En Chou3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘Note on the Effect of Vital Gluten on Some Rheological Properties of Dough’, by J. Prihoda and W. Bushuk3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘Internal Pressure in Yeasted Dough’, by H. Matsumoto and Junko Nishiyama3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘Rheologie der Brotkrume’, by L. Wassermann3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘Milling Properties of Sorghum Grain with Different Proportions of Corneous to Floury Endosperm’, by E. D. Maxson, W. B. Fryar, L. W. Rooney, and M. N. Krishnaprasad3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS ‘A Rapid Procedure for Measuring Starch Paste Development and its Application to Corn and Sorghum Starches’, by J. E. Freeman and W. J. Verr3. Objective Measurements: A. FOODS Assessment of Beef Tenderness with the Armour Tenderometer’, by Z. L. Carpenter, G. C. Smith and O. D. Butler4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Hot Boning and Pork Tenderness’, by B. B. Marsh, R. G. Cassens, R. G. Kauffman and E. J. Briskey4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Consistency of Tomato Products 7. Effects of Acidification on Cell Walls and Cell Breakage’, by R. Becker, J. C. Miers, M. D. Nutting, W. C. Dietrich and J. R. Wagner4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘A Physical Method to Increase Tenderness in Lamb Carcasses’, by E. Quarrier, Z. L. Carpenter and G. C. Smith4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD Physical Properties and Sulfhydryl Content of Bovine Muscles’, by G. Dube, V. D. Bramblett, M. D. Judge and R. B. Harrington4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Effect of Carcass Suspension on Sarcomere Length and Shear Force of Some Major Bovine Muscles’, by R. L. Hostetler, B. A. Link, W. A. Landmann and H. A. Fitzhugh, Jr.4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Potato Starch Properties by Controlled Heating in Aqueous Suspension’, by Erling T. Hjermstad4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Processing Effects on the Texture of Goldeye (Hiodon alosoides)’, by A. W. Lantz, D. G. Iredale, M. Vaisey* and R. York*4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Firming of Potatoes: Biochemical Effects of Preheating’, by Linda G. Bartoloma and J. E. Hoff4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Cysteine’s Effect on Mixing Time, Water Absorption, Oxidation Requirement, and Loaf Volume of Red River 68’, by K. F. Finney, C. C. Tsen and M. D. Shogren4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘Physical Changes in the Kernel During Reconstitution of Sorghum Grain’, by R. D. Sullings and L. W. Rooney4. Factors Affecting Texture: A. FOOD ‘The Influence of Protein Composition on Spaghetti Quality’, by D. E. Walsh and K. A. Gilles5. Sensory Measurements: ‘Uber das Altbackenwerden von Brot. I. Beziehungen zwischen Sensorik, Penetrometer und Panimeter beim Messen des Altbackenwerdens von Weizenbrot’, by M. Maleki and W. Seibel

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